Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 6-10, 2019

Welcome Back and Happy 2020!  We hope that you had a restful winter break.  The students were excited to see one another and we think that some of them even grew a little bit!

In our daily morning circle, we explore and create a calendar together.  One of the areas we discussed this week was our New Year.  Our students made firework art, coloured New Year words and even took a funny picture wearing a Happy New Year headband.  They all look great on the bullentin board outside of our classroom!

We will be starting a new unit in math all about patterns.  We will be looking at patterns that we see in our world and making patterns of our very own.  To support your child with this learning, we have attached two websites that would be helpful to play with at home.

Bundle up for the cold winter weather next week.
  Stay warm this weekend!

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May 7, 2020

Dear CSSI Families: Please check the resources below that were shared with me by an Occupational Therapist.  There may be an activity, or ...