Thursday, October 3, 2019

September 30-October 4, 2019

We had a busy, full week in our CSSI program.  One of the best parts was that we started music class with Ms. Lacey, our music teacher.  Ms. Lacey started teaching us many new songs and also brought lots of fun instruments for us to try. 

We are also really enjoying our Sensory Room.  We have a brand new tool in our room, which we love!  It's a gigantic ball and we all took turns bouncing on it.  We also practiced rolling it fast and slow.  It is so cool!
Finally, we had fun playing in the snow this week.  Some students even made a huge snowman in our field that we enjoyed playing with.  It is so nice that we are getting to know our grade one friends at morning recess.  The next time that we have snow or cold weather, please remember to pack snow pants, mittens, hats and boots.  It makes playing outside so much more pleasant!
Thank you and have a great weekend.


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May 7, 2020

Dear CSSI Families: Please check the resources below that were shared with me by an Occupational Therapist.  There may be an activity, or ...