Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 28-30, 2019

What a spooky week of learning we had in CSSI!  

We had so much exploring academic concepts with a Halloween theme.  One of our favourite math centres was picking "ghostly numbers" to practice our one-to-one correspondence counting skills. 

We learned some new Halloween vocabulary words by reading a Halloween poem.  Each student even had the opportunity to come up in front of the class and read the poem, with teacher support.

We did a Halloween Bingo game that had us matching pictures to our game card.  We all worked hard at matching and did very well.

In art, we made "cotton-ball ghosts".  This project allowed us to strengthen our fine-motor skills when using glue and cotton to cover our ghosts.  It was also good practice for us to get our fingers wet with glue and wait until the end to clean them.  The ghost looked great on our classroom door and lots of students said that they looked so scary!  

Lastly, we carved pumpkins, with full-adult support for our classroom on Halloween.  We all enjoyed watching the different coloured lights that were inside the pumpkin!

Have a safe Halloween and see everyone on Monday.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 21-25, 2019

What a great week in CSSI!  One of the best parts of our week was practicing and presenting our "All About Me" bags to our Kindergarten friends.  We all used the classroom Communication Device to make "I like..." statements.  The device also helped us when answering "yes and no" questions about our items from the Kindergarten students.  We will be working closely with our Kindergarten friends to examine what makes each of us unique.  We will also be exploring and building an appreciation around each of our interests and gifts.  

Videos of this presentation will be posted to IRIS in the next few weeks.  We will let you know when they are up!
Here are some more pictures of our students building relationships with our new Kindergarten friends.
How wonderful it is to make new friends at Ron Southern School!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 15-17, 2019

It was a short but very busy week in CSSI.  Each student continues to settle well into our program and we are building relationships as well as friendships.

We all enjoy our scheduled sensory time in the afternoon.  We were so lucky this week to have Ms. Herring make some new tactile sensory tools for us.  We thought we would include them in the Blog since the items all came from the Dollar Store and are easily made. More importantly, the students loved them!

We are on our third week of library time with Ms. Dorothy.  We read a variety of books in the library and have a lovely story time.  This week we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  All student were engaged and enjoyed the story.

Another very exciting part of our week was having the opportunity to explore the Kindergarten Centres, with our new Kindergarten friends.  We will be spending more and more time with these friends and have lots of interesting ideas planned for the entire group.

We also can not wait to see what will be brought back in your "All About Me" bags.  What a great way to learn about each other!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 7-10, 2019

We all enjoyed learning about Thanksgiving this week in CSSI.  We read books, sang new poems and even did the "Turkey Pokey".  We hope that our families enjoy the sweet Thanksgiving craft that our students worked on.  Most even enjoyed getting their hands dirty in the paint!

We are also working with our Speech Language Pathologist every Monday morning.  We are currently practicing the functional word, "go".  Sydney, our SLP, has so many interesting games for us to play while practicing this word.  We also continue to work on the word throughout the school week.  One song that we love is called "The Freeze".  Students must use an iPad with the LAMP program on it to say "go", and then start dancing again.  What fun we have!
A gentle reminder that Tuesday, October 15th, is picture day. Have a lovely long weekend. We hope you all have a very 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

September 30-October 4, 2019

We had a busy, full week in our CSSI program.  One of the best parts was that we started music class with Ms. Lacey, our music teacher.  Ms. Lacey started teaching us many new songs and also brought lots of fun instruments for us to try. 

We are also really enjoying our Sensory Room.  We have a brand new tool in our room, which we love!  It's a gigantic ball and we all took turns bouncing on it.  We also practiced rolling it fast and slow.  It is so cool!
Finally, we had fun playing in the snow this week.  Some students even made a huge snowman in our field that we enjoyed playing with.  It is so nice that we are getting to know our grade one friends at morning recess.  The next time that we have snow or cold weather, please remember to pack snow pants, mittens, hats and boots.  It makes playing outside so much more pleasant!
Thank you and have a great weekend.


May 7, 2020

Dear CSSI Families: Please check the resources below that were shared with me by an Occupational Therapist.  There may be an activity, or ...