Thursday, February 27, 2020

February 24-28, 2020

We have been placing an emphasis on independent dressing in CSSI.  Picture symbols of the specific steps needed to get ready to go outside are posted for all students to see.  We also have Alex, the dressing monkey, that each child has an opportunity to explore.  Alex allows for the practicing of such important skills as buttoning buttons, putting on socks and even zipping zippers.  
Our classroom Occupational Therapist, Nora, also supports us with these skills when she is in our school.  

Learning how to dress ourselves independently also allows students to demonstrate an understanding of body awareness.  Here are some great resources that can further this learning:

Friday, February 21, 2020

Februay 18-21, 2020

What a great week at school!  Although it was short, we were very busy learning in the CSSI classroom.  

An area in which we have been focusing on is correctly identifying common colours.  Most students are able to match the colours, however, we have added the extra challenge of choosing the correct colour out of 2.  We have several games, Smart Board activities and songs that support the learning of colours.  However, here are some additional ways in which each child can continue their learning at home:

Use a strainer from your kitchen along with different coloured pipe cleaners.  Ask your child to put specific coloured pipe cleaners into the holes of the strainer.  In addition, you can ask for your child to pull out particular colours, as well!

A great colour song from Super Simple Songs is:

Finally, here is an online bingo game that helps children practice both their colour and shape skills:

Happy Learning Everyone!!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 4-8, 2020

We had a great sensory experience this week with "puffy paint", which is shaving foam and glue mixed together.  We were creating a picture of a melted snowman and had so much fun putting our hands into the mixture.  

If you would like to create this easy recipe at home, please click on the link below:

Please find information in your child's agenda regarding our Valentines' Day celebration, next February 12th.  A gentle reminder that Teacher's Convention is on February 13th and 14th, therefore there will be no school on those days.  Also, February 17th is Family Day and is a holiday.  

May 7, 2020

Dear CSSI Families: Please check the resources below that were shared with me by an Occupational Therapist.  There may be an activity, or ...