Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 23-27, 2019

Welcome Fall!  There is so much science and learning to be done around this beautiful season.  All of the students enjoyed singing autumn songs and reading books all about leaves.

We continue to work on strengthening our fine motor skills.  This week we practiced lacing.  It took a lot of patience, but we all did a great job!

We also made play-doh as a class and this is also a great way to make our hands and fingers stronger.  Our students absolutely love using rolling pins, cookie cutters and plastic knives to work with the play-doh.  

Another exciting activity that we all participated in on Wednesday was the Terry Fox run.  We watched a great short movie about Terry Fox and talked about his courage.  We also discussed how it was his dream to run all the way across Canada.  We then completed an activity that showed what dreams the students may have.

We all had a lovely walk in our community with the Kindergarten class as well as Grade 3.  What a fun day learning all about a Canadian hero!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 16-19, 2019

We are all enjoying being at Ron Southern School so much!  Friendships are developing and we even have the opportunity to play in the gym with other students before the bell rings.  What a great time to get to know other the other children in our school.

We worked a lot this week on putting up 2 new bullentin boards with so many cool pictures on them.  One is outside of our classroom and displays our learning around the book, "It's Okay to Be Different".  The other board is outside of the Sensory Room and shows the school all of the wonderful sensory tools that we use. We can't wait to show you at our Parent/Teacher Conferences.

We have also love our playground and practice our gross motor skills while outside.  Please enjoy the pictures that we took of the class having fun, exercising and getting fresh air.  

We look forward to seeing everyone at Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 9-13th, 2019

What a busy week we had in CSSI.  All students are staring to learn routines and expectations.  We see lots of smiling faces in the morning when they arrive at school, which is great!
We have started to add some academics to our morning circle time.  This week we learned all about upper and lower case Aa. We practiced what sound A makes and what words start with this letter.  We utilized on the SmartBoard to engage students when learning. 
We also have been practicing our counting and numbers 1-10.  All students enjoyed using ice cube trays from IKEA to count individual objects. 
In addition, we used "moon sand" to find letters in order to spell out our names.  It was so cool to feel the sand, while identifying letters at the same time.

What a wonderful week of learning!

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 3-6, 2019

Welcome to our first CSSI blog of the school year!  What an amazing week that it has been.  We all have enjoyed getting to know each and every student in our class.  The students have put a lot of effort into learning the new routines and expectations while at school.

Each student had the opportunity to learn through play and exploration during our academic centres.  This allowed Ms. Rowntree, Ms. Herring and Ms. Hamilton to make observations about the learning taking place.  

For Language Arts, we used Interactive Books. Students could take on and off pictures to support their learning of new words and colours.  

In Math, we had so much learning our numbers 1-10 while "fishing".  What fun it was to be together in a group setting and each take turns going fishing for numbers.  
We also had a centre time where we made placemats to be used for our lunch time.  We gave students healthy options to put onto their placemats and discussed eating food that is good for our bodies.  We will have them laminated so that they last us all year long.  
Finally, we all spent time being in our sensory room.  The jelly fish aquarium and the gel mats are some of our favourite tools. We are so fortunate to have a calming space where our students can become regulated and be ready to learn.
Have a lovely weekend and see everyone next week!

May 7, 2020

Dear CSSI Families: Please check the resources below that were shared with me by an Occupational Therapist.  There may be an activity, or ...